The Theory Exams

for your Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL)

What’s involved in the PPL theory exams?

The Theory exams are a crucial part of obtaining your PPL. While they may seem daunting, understanding the process can help you prepare effectively.

These exams are conducted using a computer–based online system.

Getting Started

Before you can take the exams, you must:

Register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), through their portal system, and request access to the PPL e-Exams service. (We can assist you with this process.)

Exam structure and requirements:

• There are nine theory exams that you must pass before taking your flight skills test.

• You do not need to take all exams at the same time.

However, you must pass all exams within 18 months from the end of the calendar month in which you sat your first exam.

• The pass mark for each exam is 75%

• Exams are multiple choice, with a set time limit based on the number of questions.

• Once you pass your final exam, these remain valid for 24 months.

Breakdown of the Theory Exams

Below is a summary of each exam, including the number of questions and allocated time.

Exam Name No. of Questions Allocated Time
Air Law 16 35 mins
Human Performance 12 25 mins
Meteorology 16 50 mins
Communications 12 20 mins
Aircraft General Knowledge 16 35 mins
Flight Performance & Planning 16 35 mins
Navigation 12 45 mins
Operational Procedures 12 30 mins
Principals of Flights 12 35 mins

Air Law – is often taken first, as many flight schools require it before allowing the student to complete their first solo flight.